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Fundus autofluorescence (FAF) is a special image of the retina that may be used to determine the progression of retinal diseases, including macular degeneration. FAF highlights a retinal pigment (lipofuscin) that increases with retinal damage or dysfunction. FAF detects increases in lipofuscin that can be a marker of worsening retinal disease and that may warrant more frequent monitoring.  FAF imaging may also allow for identification of retinal diseases that are not otherwise easily diagnosed. This feature of the test is particularly helpful in the investigation of patients with unknown visual loss or a positive family history of hereditary retinal diseases. The test is also used to assess macular dystrophy, plaquenil toxicity, retinitis pigmentosa, and other retinal degenerations. FAF imaging is considered non-essential and is not covered by OHIP.  The testing costs $75.